Camera Fail.

by - Saturday, February 19, 2011

Our camera has bit the dust, yet again! I'm not sure how many lives it has left now! As I was trying to take pictures (such as above) of the new necklaces I've been whipping up for the shop, the lens just decided to go ka-putz on me. I guess that's what happens when you only have the expense to invest in a casio digital camera:/ Thankfully Radio Shack is supposed to be able to fix it, but can't guarantee when it will be done. This makes me extremely upset since Little Miss' 1st Birthday is right around the corner and I'm afraid we won't be able to take any good pictures now (our camcorder doesn't have the best qualty, at all). I'm trying to stay optimistic, but radio shack hasn't been a real pal in the past! If anyone has a canon or nikon camera they plain just don't use anymore and would be willing to sell to me on the cheapzzz, please please please email me at

Hope everyone's having a great start to their weekend, were taking a trip to a local party store to get our party decor groove on:)

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