Collab Inquiries
Looking to grow your brand? Then let Lizzandco help you.
I strive with each new project that comes to life- making sure our readers experience high-quality and honest feedback on all of my favorite brands/products.
If you'd like to have me review [and keep] one of your products for a product review, send an email my way. Their a great way to get ultimate exposure of your products!
If your currently seeking sponsored posts and/or link ads, please send me an email so we can discuss my rate and post requirements.
4,000+ Instagram Followers
1,400+ Facebook Followers
1600+ Twitter Followers
1600+ Twitter Followers
900+ Followers through GFC
These numbers continue to rise each & everyday thanks to all of our incredible readers.
These advertising rates may be subject to change as our readership continues to grow on a monthly basis.
If you have any further questions regarding advertising with us, please feel free to email me at: [[]]