How to get free products from Influenster

by - Tuesday, November 21, 2017

*This is not a paid product placement. These products were sent to me in exchange for this review. All opinions expressed are of my own.

One of the main questions bloggers always get asked is how do you always get products to review?

Influenster is one of my favorite sites because they send thousands of boxes every month full of products to try out. You can get full size products or mini samples. The majority of the products that I've been lucky enough to qualify for have all been full size products. They even send exclusive discounts and all you have to do is share on your social media accounts and/or blog and finish the follow up survey they send to you asking for your feedback on the products.

Once you sign up for Influenster, you'll want to link all of your social media accounts and blog if you have one. One of the nice things about Influenster if that its not a requirement to have a blog in order to be a part of their online community. I know a lot of people are huge on other social media platforms, but haven't necessarily dived into the blogging world so this gives everyone the chance to still try out new products.

The more accounts you link, the higher the impact score you'll be given on your profile. As well as every time you complete a snap survey. The higher the impact score you have on your profile, the more likely you are at receiving a voxbox. If your sent a pre-qualifying email- make sure you answer it right away since they are time sensitive. It'll just ask you a couple questions, your mailing address, and if you agree to their terms and if you've been chosen then you'll receive an email back from them in a week or so.

Once you finally do receive a voxbox, be sure to check your box in on your dashboard under the campaigns section. That's also where you'll find additional badges that you can complete (like following one of the brands featured in your box on twitter or posting a shelfie at the store of the product you got to try) and each badge is worth a different amount of points. The more active you are with each voxbox, the better the chances you are at receiving more in the future.

Comment down below and let me know which voxbox has been your favorite so far that you've received!. & if you haven't joined yet, what are you waiting for? GO!


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