Life Lately
I don't know where this last week has gone too.
Or how I've missed the past two homework assignments [associates in web design].
Maybe it's the fact that it's summer.
Or the
Or all of the activities we've been taking part in {outdoors day was this past weekend and toddler time this week/for the next 5 weeks}.
Or just how comfy our bed has felt these past few mornings.
Or the fact that our air conditioner was finally installed today {can i get a HALLELUJAH!!}
The start of our summer has been amazing and I just can't seem to get in the swing of doing anything productive in the adult world.
Oh well. As much as I love staring into the eyes of these beautiful babies.
I've gotta kick my butt into gear and get serious!
Here's to some late night work sessions. All night work sessions. And then some much needed snuggles and nap time with my babies.
Hope everyone's having an awesome Tuesday. And I really really hope you all watched Pretty Little Liars tonight. Cause it was Ah-May-Zin! To say the least.
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