Zack Austin; 2 Months
Zack turned two months on the 13th and we finally had his 2 month check-up this past thursday.
Our little man is getting so big! 13.2 oz and 23 1/2 in
I can't even remember how long it took Adrienne to weigh that much. She sure was and still is a tiny little thing.
We upgraded to size 2 diapers a while ago as well as got rid of all of our newborn 0-3 clothes. He mostly wears 3-6 months, sometimes a tad bigger with shirts and onesies depending on how their made. I thought having a little girl to dress up would be the absolute best, but I have to admit they do make some incredibly cute clothes for boys too. So I can no longer discriminate when it comes to clothes!
It didn't take long at all for Zack to start sleeping straight through the night, something we were blessed with both children. He usually will fall asleep around 9 and wakes around 7-8.
Event hough we've been dealing with some serious tummy troubles, it thankfully has taken any affect to his sleeping at night.
He does have some trouble taking a nap or two during the day. Either from the extreme case of gas or the toddler screams and giggles coming from his sister. But hey, we all can't seem to avoid that last one.
Zack's doing SO much better since our hospital scare. Seems to be a mild colic ever since, but I sure don't blame him. After being constantly poked and prodded for two weeks straight, I would have a hard time recovering too.Constantly needs to be moving, so his new swing is a LIFE SAVER!
Still breastfed. It's a definite loss of milk supply, I still barely am getting anything out so we do have to supplement with formula every so often. I'll be crossing my fingers we can AT LEAST make it six months. Since things don't look so great at this point in time.
When we do supplement and he drinks more then one bottle, he'll end up spitting up and it will come out of his mouth and nose causing him to not be able to breathe, turn red, and absolutely scares me to death.
His Pedi didn't seem to concerned since I'm still breastfeeding him, but I feel like bringing it up to her again if it starts to happen more often.
Has this happened to anyone else's kids? Do you have any advice? Is this something they just grow out of? Or should I be more concerned then I already am?
Please, let me know!
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