day two.

by - Tuesday, June 14, 2011



Day Two.

It's the second day of my 30 Day Shred adventure and I decided to kick it up a notch and give level 2 a go. It wasn't too bad, a little bit harder then level 1 of course but I enjoyed it. I think I'll do level 3 tomorrow since I'd like to switch between all three levels for the next month, so we'll see how that works. I thoroughly enjoy these workouts and feel as if I'm already seeing a slight change in my appearance (but that could all be in my head cause I'm pumped to be working out again!). I'm also not as hungry all the time and notice I don't need as much to eat. Drinking more water and going for a family walk each night are a few goals I've set for myself.

How is everyone else's 30 day shred going?

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