31 Weeks/Steppin Out Saturday.

by - Sunday, February 19, 2012

Liz- Top and Jeans; Forever21, Boots; Aero, Sweater; TJMaxx
Adrienne- Sweater; Carters, Dress, Coat, and Hat; Thrifted, Leggings; Children's Place, Shoes; Target

We actually stepped out on a Saturday this week and headed out to a family birthday party. There was plenty of birthday cake and ice cream, making this preggo very happy. Adrienne seemed to have such a good time, Richard's Aunt offered to watch her over night and we couldn't resist the thought of a sans baby cozy night at home together. She came back home bright and early this morning and is currently passed out on the couch for her afternoon nap. 

Every Saturday I turn another week, so I'm currently 31 weeks pregnant! Only 9 more weeks to go:)

I'm still feeling pretty good. 
Still plenty of pressure and some trouble breathing whenever I sit down. It's a never ending battle, still to try and find a comfy place to sit.
Our Doctor said I'm finally starting to measure into my ribs a little bit. 
I'm right on track with my weight, measurement, and the baby's heartbeat.
Have been staying up through out the night with some extremely strong braxton's hicks.
Craving Shamrock Shakes and more and more fruit. 
Squeezing in a very short workout on our new elliptical.

& I'm officially starting to get ridiculous comments/looks from others when I tell them I have two more months to go. "Oh my gosh, you look like your about to pop" "Two more months, are you sure?"

Or when I took Adrienne into this local thrift store and this woman kept following us around and finally asked me if  "Daddy wanted a football team?". I didn't realize having two children was such an extreme. Her comment just came off so incredibly rude, I turned around and left the store.

Linking up with Mandy.

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