Watch Ya' Mouth Review +Video

by - Wednesday, December 13, 2017

*This is not paid product placement. This item was sent to us free of charge. All opinions expressed are of my own. 

Looking for some entertainment this holiday season? Then look no further! 

The makers of Watch Ya’ Mouth have released their newest game Showdown Edition. We were lucky enough to try it out and sure weren’t disappointed. I don’t remember the last time I laughed that hard during game night. 

The ever popular card game has taken things to the next level with some good ol’ competition. In teams of two, picking from the stack of showdown cards you’ll compete to win the most cards after four rounds. 

There’s so many different showdowns to compete in, like having to suck a card off of the table and see who can hold it up the longest. Blowing a straw across the table at your opponent to see who can get closer before the timer runs out. Who can drink water the fastest. Reading more of those hilarious phrases. Or having to try and eat a cracker and whoever leaves the least crumbs wins. 

This game is sure to leave you all in tears by the end of the night and is perfect for the whole family. Definitely recommend giving this one a shot if you haven’t already. 

Thinking about adding this to your Christmas list? Save 15% OFF with the code: 15WYM which you can purchase, here

Make sure to watch some of the shenanigans of the kids playing together below! 

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